Tubuh yang overweight (gemuk) berkaitan dengan berbagai masalah kesehatan, seperti artritis, penyakit jantung, diabetes, kolesterol tinggi, sleep apnea (tidur mendengkur), perlemakan pada hati, asma, hipertensi, penyakit batu empedu, gangguan mood, depresi, dan kelelahan, yang kesemuanya mempengaruhi kualitas hidup kita.
Untuk masalah kegemukan ini, banyak peneliti telah menemukan bahwa kegemukan banyak berkaitan dengan berbagai masalah pada organ-organ penting tubuh, salah satunya ialah masalah pada otak. Mereka menemukan bahwa meningkatnya jumlah lemak pada tubuh hingga bermanifestasikan kegemukan dapat mempercepat penyusutan (degenerasi) pada jaringan otak yang berakibat pada masalah kognitif seperti demensia alzheimer's (pikun akibat degenerasi otak). Mereka juga melaporkan bahwa kegemukan meningkatkan risiko gangguan memori, gangguan sensoris dan penglihatan, inatensi (berkurangnya perhatian), gangguan bicara, dan gangguan problem solving (pemecahan masalah).
Sebagai bagian dari penelitian, 94 orang usila (usia lanjut) yang tidak memiliki demensia atau gangguan kognitif lainnya diteliti dan di-follow up selama lima tahun. Hasil yang ditemukan dari studi ini ialah bahwa otak usila yang memiliki kelebihan berat badan tampak delapan tahun lebih tua dibandingkan otak usila yang tidak mengalami kelebihan berat badan. Selain itu, penampilan usila yang kegemukan terlihat 16 tahun lebih tua bila dibandingkan dengan usila yang lebih ramping. Secara teori, orang dengan indeks massa tubuh yang lebih besar memiliki otak yang lebih kecil karena mereka memiliki jaringan otak yang lebih kecil. Sebagian besar dari jaringan otak yang hilang berada di lobus frontal dan temporal, yang penting untuk perencanaan dan memori.
Secara dini, untuk sementara belum bisa dipastikan apakah benar kegemukan secara langsung menghantarkan pada terjadinya demensia, tetapi secara tidak langsung, jaringan otak yang lebih kecil pada orang-orang kegemukan merupakan indikasi proses rusaknya jaringan otak tersebut, dan ini berhubungan dengan risiko terjadinya demensia alzheimer's.
Peneliti mengatakan bahwa kegemukan dapat menyebabkan degenerasi otak karena terhambatnya aliran darah ke otak (sebagai akibat dari penyempitan pembuluh darah), sehingga sel-sel otak kekurangan suplai darah yang mengandung oksigen.
Most people do not know the various problems due to excess body fat. Most people know that fat in the body only affects the appearance. However, the real problem is not just about appearance, but also health problems.
The body is overweight (fat) associated with various health problems, such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea (snoring), fatty liver, asthma, hypertension, gallstone disease, mood disorders, depression, and fatigue, all of which affect our quality of life.
For this obesity problem, many researchers have found that obesity is more related to various problems in vital organs of the body, one of which is a problem in the brain. They found that increasing the amount of fat in the body until bermanifestasikan overweight can accelerate the depreciation (degeneration) in brain tissue that results in cognitive problems such as Alzheimer's dementia (dementia due to degeneration of the brain). They also reported that obesity increases the risk of memory impairment, sensory disturbances and vision, inatensi (less attention), speech disorders, and impaired problem solving (problem solving).
As part of the study, 94 elderly people (elderly) who do not have dementia or other cognitive disorders were examined and followed-up for five years. The results found from this study is that brain elderly who are overweight look eight years older than elderly brains are not overweight. In addition, elderly people who are overweight appearance looks 16 years older than the more slender elderly. In theory, people with body mass index greater have smaller brains because they have smaller brain tissue. Most of the missing brain tissue in frontal and temporal lobes, which are important for planning and memory.
Early, for while not yet certain whether obesity is directly deliver on the occurrence of dementia, but indirectly, brain tissue is smaller in people being overweight is an indication of the damage to brain tissue, and is associated with risk of dementia Alzheimer's.
Researchers say that obesity can cause degeneration of the brain due to blockage of blood flow to the brain (as a result of the narrowing of blood vessels), so that brain cells lack of blood supply that contains oxygen.
The body is overweight (fat) associated with various health problems, such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea (snoring), fatty liver, asthma, hypertension, gallstone disease, mood disorders, depression, and fatigue, all of which affect our quality of life.
For this obesity problem, many researchers have found that obesity is more related to various problems in vital organs of the body, one of which is a problem in the brain. They found that increasing the amount of fat in the body until bermanifestasikan overweight can accelerate the depreciation (degeneration) in brain tissue that results in cognitive problems such as Alzheimer's dementia (dementia due to degeneration of the brain). They also reported that obesity increases the risk of memory impairment, sensory disturbances and vision, inatensi (less attention), speech disorders, and impaired problem solving (problem solving).
As part of the study, 94 elderly people (elderly) who do not have dementia or other cognitive disorders were examined and followed-up for five years. The results found from this study is that brain elderly who are overweight look eight years older than elderly brains are not overweight. In addition, elderly people who are overweight appearance looks 16 years older than the more slender elderly. In theory, people with body mass index greater have smaller brains because they have smaller brain tissue. Most of the missing brain tissue in frontal and temporal lobes, which are important for planning and memory.
Early, for while not yet certain whether obesity is directly deliver on the occurrence of dementia, but indirectly, brain tissue is smaller in people being overweight is an indication of the damage to brain tissue, and is associated with risk of dementia Alzheimer's.
Researchers say that obesity can cause degeneration of the brain due to blockage of blood flow to the brain (as a result of the narrowing of blood vessels), so that brain cells lack of blood supply that contains oxygen.